Objectives of PoliRuralPlus
PoliRuralPlus extends and enriches the achievements of its predecessor, the PoliRural, by delving deeper into the complexities of rural and urban interconnectivity. It deploys a sophisticated suite of digital tools, including Artificial Intelligence, Geographic Information Systems, Internet of Things, and advanced data analytics. The project’s core mission is to tackle prevalent issues such as administrative fragmentation, inequality, and inefficiencies in public service coordination, fostering an environment of enhanced cooperation and equal opportunities across rural and urban divides. Central to PoliRuralPlus are 9 pilot projects that serve as proving grounds for an EU-wide integrated approach to territorial planning and action foresight. PoliRuralPlus ambitiously expands its scope to include the urban dimension, thus embracing a broader perspective on development.
More information: https://www.poliruralplus.eu/ and more about our pilots https://www.poliruralplus.eu/pilots/rural-pilots/
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